Сontextual advertising

What is contextual advertising?

Contextual advertising is a type of advertising where ads are displayed to users after they enter specific search queries. These ads can appear on Google or Bing search sites or on partner websites. When a user clicks on a contextual ad, they are directed to the advertiser’s website. The cost of such advertising is determined by the number of participants in the auction. Here’s what we will do to display such ads:

  • ­Write ad texts.
  • ­Select keywords.
  • ­Set up and launch the campaign.

Launching the advertising campaign won’t take much time. The main requirement is that your website is ready, and your offering is competitive and meets the needs of users. If you have any doubts, we will assist you. We will analyze your service or product, improve your website to make it better than your competitors’.

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    Types of contextual advertising:

    Bing Ads

    • Search Advertising
    • Contextual Media Advertising
    • Smart Banners
    • Product Advertising
    • App Advertising

    Google Ads

    • Search Advertising
    • Contextual Media Advertising
    • Shopping Advertising
    • App Advertising
    • Video Advertising

    Light setup:

    • $40
    • Up to 2 hours of work
    • For one service
    • Small semantic core
    • For one type of product
    • Analytics integration
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    Medium setup:

    • $90
    • Up to 5 hours of work
    • For services
    • For products
    • Analytics setup
    • 2 conversion setups
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    Powerful setup:

    • $160
    • Up to 10 hours of work
    • For multiple services
    • For multiple products
    • Analytics setup
    • Conversion setup
    • Remarketing setup
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    How much budget is required for contextual advertising per month?

    From $300 per month

    You won't know until you start!

    We will find the optimal budget after two months based on statistical data to achieve the best results.

    Hello, my name is Nikolay. I have already performed over 500 setups of contextual advertising and have extensive experience in all niches! Every year, I pass exams for Google Ads and Bing certificates.

    PPC специалист

    Payment methods in contextual advertising:


    You pay for each click on the ad that brings a user to your website. This is the most common method.


    Payment for every thousand ad impressions. Suitable for banners.


    Payment for a specific action on the website, for example, submitting a contact form.

    What results to expect?

    Top positions in search results.

    Target audience for your website.

    Orders right after launching the advertising campaign.

    Increased brand recognition.

    Didn’t find an answer to your question?

    Leave a request, and we will answer your questions, provide consultation, and suggest the best solution based on our experience.

    We are looking forward to cooperation. Also, check out our other internet marketing tools, such as turnkey SEO promotion and website development.

    Official Google Ads and Bing Ads partner.

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