Article Writing for Your Blog or Website


Why have articles on your website?

In general, articles on a website can help website owners attract traffic, enhance user experience, increase authority, achieve marketing goals, and support SEO strategy. Articles on a website can serve multiple purposes and bring several benefits to its owners:

  • Attracting traffic.
  • Boosting authority.
  • Achieving marketing goals.

How do we select article topics?

The selection of article topics for a website depends on various factors, including the website's niche, target audience, seasonal changes, and industry news. Below are several approaches we use to choose blog article topics:

  • Researching audience needs.
  • Keyword targeting.
  • Seasonality and news updates.

Order a yearly article plan today!

We will create a plan for you for one year, allowing you to write 1-4 articles per month and continuously attract new traffic to your website.


If you prefer to write the articles yourself, you can utilize our tips.

How do we write a blog article for your website?

  1. Topic Selection: I choose a topic that will be interesting and relevant to the website’s audience and aligns with the blog’s theme.
  2. Thematic Research: I research the topic, explore the latest news and trends in the industry, read articles and blogs related to the topic to gain insights into what has been covered and what new information can be added.
  3. Keyword Identification: I identify keywords related to the article’s topic that will help the article rank higher in search results. I incorporate these keywords into the article’s title, introduction, and section headings.
  4. Writing the Headline: I create an engaging and informative headline for the article that captures readers’ attention and reflects the article’s content.
  5. Writing the Introduction: I write an introduction that grabs readers’ attention and gives them an idea of what the article will cover. I explain why the topic is important and how my article can help readers address the issue.
  6. Creating a Structure: I break down the article into sections and create a writing plan. Each section has its heading and relates to the article’s topic.
  7. Writing the Content: I start writing the article using the keywords and structure I’ve developed. I aim to use simple language to make the article accessible to most readers.
  8. Adding Images and Videos: I include images and videos to make the article more engaging and understandable. I make sure to use only high-quality and relevant visuals.
  9. Editing and Proofreading: I review and edit the article to ensure it aligns with the topic, contains sufficient information, and is well-written. I check for errors and typos and correct them.
  10. Formatting and Publishing: I format the article with photos, images, and graphics. It is essential to visualize the content. Readers will find it more interesting and comprehensible.

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